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Physical Activity

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading causes of preventable death in people 35 and older. In fact, sitting has become more harmful to our health than smoking! Coined the “sitting disease,”

a sedentary lifestyle puts people at a high risk for developing such diseases as type 2 diabetes, several types of cancer, and cardiovascular disease. We are practically sitting ourselves to death. Time to get up and get active!


How we make a difference.

Live Well Live Atchison works to promote active lifestyles among Atchison County residents by 

  • Working with policymakers and local governments to increase and improve trails, sidewalks, parks, and other community resources.

  • Working with employers to find ways their employees can increase their physical activity.  

  • Supporting and promoting programs and initiatives aimed at providing more opportunities for residents get out and be physically active.

Why it matters

Organic Vegetables


meeting recommended activity levels

You don’t need to spend hours working out at a gym or running miles around a track to enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Simply being more physically active in your normal, everyday life is a great way to meet your fitness goals.  



  • Need at least 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity.


  • Should engage in vigorous physical activity for 60 minutes or more every day.


simple changes make a difference

Physical activity will allow you to enjoy immediate and long-term health benefits, and improve your quality of life. Maintaining an active lifestyle can improve your health, reduce your risk of developing certain diseases, and help prevent obesity.

  • Walk to lunch

  • Walk around during phone calls

  • Put down the remote

  • Get off the couch

  • Ride your bike

  • Take the stairs

  • Stand at work

  • Do yard work


Physical activity has benefits

  • Gain confidence and improve self-esteem.

  • Enjoy more energy during the day.

  • Sleep better at night.

  • Move your body more easily doing daily activities.

  • Strengthen your body.

  • Maintain a healthy weight.

  • Develop and maintain a good mental attitude.

  • Reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer, and breast cancer.

  • Reduce the risk of premature death.

  • Make new friends and enjoy yourself.

Physical Activity Initiatives

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